Get the fam off the electronics and phones, get in the kitchen and bake some Grammy Scones!

Enjoy freshly baked cinnamon scones in minutes!

Just add heavy whipping cream!

Delicate and moist on the inside with a slight crunch outside.


'Getusome Grammy Scones Mix Today!

Grammy is starting her business with her favorite flavor, cinnamon chip. Many more delicious flavors to follow! Let me know what flavors you would like available!

Errrrrrrr’Body Loves Scones! ...and Family Fun!

Bring to brunch – Pairs amazingly well with Bloody Mary's & Mimosas.

Impress your house guests with your baking skills – Even if you have none... it's our secret!

Show your kiddos' teachers you love them.

Be your book club's hero!

Every tailgate should start and end with Grammy Scones IGO – In Grammy's Opinion.

Bake them for yourself and just go nuts!